prayer page

Recognizing that prayer is a privilege, a command, and an essential ministry in the church, the Prayer Ministry will increase the understanding of, dependence on and actual practice of prayer, and related spiritual disciplines (fasting, silence, historical prayer practices, solitude etc) amongst the worshipers at Orcas Island Community Church.


  1. Click the "Share Your Prayer Request" button below.
  2. Fill out appropriate information.
  3. Select a sharing level...
    1. "Share This" will share the request on the wall along with your name.
    2. "Share This Anonymously" will share the request on the wall without your name.
    3. "DO NOT Share This" will submit the prayer request to our Prayer Team ONLY.
  4. Check the "Email Me..." box if you'd like to be notified when someone prays for your request. Don't worry, this is the only thing this email address will be used for.
  5. Click the "Submit Request" button at the bottom of the form to submit your request for approval.

After praying for a request, hit the "I Prayed For This" button!

Recognizing that prayer is a privilege, a command, and an essential ministry in the church, the Prayer Ministry will increase the understanding of, dependence on and actual practice of prayer, and related spiritual disciplines (fasting, silence, historical prayer practices, solitude etc) amongst the worshipers at Orcas Island Community Church.

prayer wall


Linda is having sinus surgery Tuesday morning and would appreciate your prayers.


Tony Rouleau lives in West Sound and would love to come to OICC services on Sundays but he needs a ride. Please let the office or Debbie Hurne 376-2556 know if you could help. Thank you.


My friend Toni Mick has been released from the hospital and is still on oxygen and needs our prayers for a full recovery from pneumonia, OPCD and Covid.


Judy and Radon are still in Heidelberg… Judy is hospitalized (5 days) in declining condition. Radon is waiting for doctors report from specific tests. Prayers for Judy, Radon and Fortenberry family.


1. For the direction this beloved church community should take this year. For the priorities we should hold. 2. We know 4 households that have everything they called home in ashes. For God's presence in the days ahead and His encouragement. 3. For us not to forego finding joy in little things and sharing encouragement. 4. For unity in prayer!